Source code for sugar.strings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import

[docs]def at(string, index=0, loop=False): """Return the character(s) at a given index. When :attr:`loop` is true, overshooting the end of the string will begin counting from the other end. :attr:`index` may be negative. If :attr:`index` is an array, multiple elements will be returned. Args: string (str): String value passed in by the user. index (int): Index value passed in by the user. loop (bool): If True, this method overshoots end of string and will begin counting from the other end. Returns: str/list: A character/List of characters based on the given index positions. Example: >>> at('example') 'e' >>> at('example', 4) 'p' >>> at('example', 8, True) 'x' >>> at('example', [4, 8], True) ['p', 'x'] >>> at('example', -4) 'm' >>> at('example', [4, -4]) ['p', 'm'] >>> at('example', [4, -10], True) ['p', 'p'] .. versionadded:: TODO """ string = list(string) def get_index(value): if loop: if value > 0: while value > len(string): value -= len(string) elif value < 0: while value < -len(string): value += len(string) return value if isinstance(index, (list, tuple)): return [string[get_index(i)] for i in index] return string[get_index(index)]
[docs]def camelize(string, upper=True): """Converts underscores and hyphens to camel case. If :attr:`upper` is False, the :attr:`string` will be upperCamelCase. Args: string (str): String passed in by the user. upper (bool): If True, it will return UpperCamelCase else upperCamelCase. Returns: str: String converted to CamelCase. Example: >>> camelize('example') 'Example' >>> camelize('example-test') 'ExampleTest' >>> camelize('example_test-one') 'ExampleTestOne' >>> camelize('example_test-one', False) 'exampleTestOne' .. versionadded:: TODO """ string = string.replace('_', '-') string = ''.join([i.title() for i in string.split('-')]) if not upper: string = string[:1].lower() + string[1:] return string
[docs]def chars(string, callback=None): """Runs :func:`callable` against each character in the string and returns an array. Args: string (str): String passed in by the user. callback (func): Method to be run against each character in the string. Returns: list: List of chars after the :func:`callback` method is applied to all the chars in the given :attr:`string`. Example: >>> chars('example') ['e', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'e'] >>> chars('example', lambda x: 'i' if x == 'e' else x) ['i', 'x', 'a', 'm', 'p', 'l', 'i'] .. versionadded:: TODO """ string = list(string) if callback: return [callback(char) for char in string] return string