Source code for sugar.arrays

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import

import copy

from ._compat import _range

import sugar as _

[docs]def add(array, item, index=None): """Adds item to the array and returns the result as a new array. If item is also an array, it will be concatenated instead of inserted. index will control where item is added. Args: array (list): List of values passed in by the user. item (mixed): Value to be added to the array (passed in by the user). index (int): Position at which the item will be added to the list. Returns: list: Adds item to the array and returns the result as a new array. Example: >>> add([11, 22, 33], 88) [11, 22, 33, 88] >>> add([11, 22, 33], 88, 1) [11, 88, 22, 33] >>> add([11, 22, 33], [44, 55]) [11, 22, 33, 44, 55] >>> add([11, 22, 33], [44, 55, 66, 77], 1) [11, 44, 55, 66, 77, 22, 33] .. versionadded:: TODO """ return array_append(array, item, index)
[docs]def append(array, item, index=None): """Appends item to the array. If item is also an array, it will be concatenated instead of inserted. Args: array (list): List of values passed in by the user. item (mixed): Value to be added to the array (passed in by the user). index (int): Position at which the item will be added to the list. Returns: list: Appends item to the array and returns the result. Example: >>> append([11, 22, 33], 88) [11, 22, 33, 88] >>> append([11, 22, 33], 88, 1) [11, 88, 22, 33] >>> append([11, 22, 33], [44, 55]) [11, 22, 33, 44, 55] >>> append([11, 22, 33], [44, 55, 66, 77], 1) [11, 44, 55, 66, 77, 22, 33] .. versionadded:: TODO """ return array_append(array, item, index)
[docs]def average(array): """Returns the average for all the values in the given :attr:`array`. Args: array (list): List of values. Returns: int/float: Average of all the values in the given list. Example: >>> float(average([1, 2, 3])) 2.0 .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return sum(array) / len(array)
[docs]def clone(obj): """Returns a shallow copy of the given list. This method can also be used for othe objects such as int/float/string. Args: obj (list): List of values provided by the user. Returns: list: Shallow copy of the given array. Example: >>> clone([1, 2, 3]) [1, 2, 3] >>> clone('foobar') 'foobar' >>> clone(1234) 1234 .. versionadded:: TODO """ return copy.copy(obj)
[docs]def compact(array, all=False): """Removes all instances of None, False, empty strings. This includes None, False, and empty strings. Args: array (list): List of values provided by the user. all (bool): Boolean value to remove all the instances of None, False and empty strings. Returns: list: List of values with all falsy elements removed. Example: >>> compact([1, None, 2, False, 3]) [1, 2, False, 3] >>> compact([1, None, '', False, 2], all=True) [1, 2] .. versionadded:: TODO """ if all: return subtract(array, [None, False, '']) return subtract(array, None)
[docs]def construct(var, callback): """Constructs an array of :attr:`var` length from the values of :attr:`callback`. Args: var (int): Length of the array intended. callback: A method that can take in each variable from the given range and return back a new value based on the method definition. Returns: list: A list of :attr:`callback` values. Example: >>> construct(4, lambda x: x * 2) [0, 2, 4, 6] .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return [callback(i) for i in _range(0, var)]
[docs]def count(array, value): """Counts all elements in the :attr:`array` that match the given :attr:`value`. Args: array (list): A list of values provided by the user to search for. value (int/float/str): Value that needs to be counted. Returns: int: Count of the given value. Example: >>> count([1, 2, 3, 3], 3) 2 .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ return array.count(value)
[docs]def create(obj=None, copy=False): """Creates an array from an unknown object. Args: obj (mixed): Value passed in by the user. copy (bool): If clone is true, the array will be shallow cloned. Returns: list: Array from the given object. Example: >>> create('abc def 109;cd') ['a', 'b', 'c', ' ', 'd', 'e', 'f', ' ', '1', '0', '9', ';', 'c', 'd'] >>> create(1234) [1234] >>> create([11, 22, 33, 44], copy=True) [11, 22, 33, 44] >>> create(True) [True] >>> create() [] .. versionadded:: TODO """ result = None if not obj: result = [] if _.is_array(obj): if copy: # Shallow copy of the object. result = clone(obj) else: # Copies the object. This is the fast way to copy the object. result = obj[:] if _.is_boolean(obj) or _.is_number(obj): if copy: # Shallow copy of the object. result = [clone(obj)] else: result = [obj] if _.is_string(obj): if copy: # Shallow copy of the object. result = [value for value in clone(obj)[:]] else: result = [value for value in obj[:]] return result
[docs]def every(array, value): """Returns true if search is true for all elements of the array. In other words, this method returns True if :attr:`array` contains all the same values :attr:`value`. Args: array (list): List of values provided by the user. value (int/float/str): Value that needs to be searched. Returns: bool: A boolean value based on the :attr:`array` having all the values as :attr:`value`. Example: >>> every([2, 2, 2], 2) True >>> every([2, 2, 3], 2) False .. versionadded:: TODO """ return all(element == value for element in array)
[docs]def exclude(array, value): """Returns a new array with every element that does not match :attr:`value`. Args: array(list): List of values provided by the user. value(int/float/str): A value that needs to be excluded. Returns: list: List excluding the give :attr:`value`. Example: >>> exclude([11, 22, 33], 22) [11, 33] >>> exclude([11, 22, 33], 44) [11, 22, 33] >>> exclude([11, 22, 33], [11, 22]) [33] .. versionadded:: TODO """ return subtract(array, value)
[docs]def filter_(array, value=None, callback=None): """Returns list of elements in the :attr:`array` that match :attr:`value`. Also, returns list of elements based on the given callback method. Args: array (list): List of values provided by the user. value (int/float/str): A value that needs to be matched with. callback: A method that takes the value, filters the variable based on the given condition and returns the filtered value. Returns: list: List of values that match with the :attr:`value` or the given filter. Example: >>> filter_([1, 2, 2, 4], value=2) [2, 2] >>> filter_([1, 2, 2, 4], callback=lambda x: x > 1) [2, 2, 4] .. versionadded:: TODO """ if value: return [element for element in array if element == value] return [element for element in array if callback(element) is True]
[docs]def first(array, num=1): """Returns the first element(s) in the array. When num is passed, returns the first num elements in the array. Args: array (list): List of values passed in by the user. num (int): Number passed in by the user. Returns: list: Returns an array of first :attr:`num` elements. Example: >>> first([11, 22, 33, 44], 1) [11] >>> first([11, 22, 33, 44], None) [] >>> first([11, 22, 33, 44], -3) [] >>> first([11, 22, 33, 44], 9) [11, 22, 33, 44] .. versionadded:: TODO """ num = 0 if (not num or num < 0) else num return array[0:num]
[docs]def from_(array, index=0): """Returns a slice of the array from :attr:`index`. Args: array (list): A list of values provided by the user. index (int): Start position of the array where the slice starts. Returns: list: Array sliced from :attr:`index`). Example: >>> from_([11, 22, 33], 1) [22, 33] >>> from_([11, 22, 33]) [11, 22, 33] >>> from_([11, 22, 33], 2) [33] >>> from_([11, 22, 33], None) [11, 22, 33] .. versionadded:: TODO """ return array[index:]
[docs]def includes(array, search, fromindex=0): """Returns true if search is contained within the array. Search begins at fromindex, which defaults to the beginning of the array. Args: array (list): A list of values provided by the user. search (mixed): A value that needs to be searched (provided by the user). fromindex (int): Search begins at fromindex. Returns: bool: True if search is contained within the array beginning at fromindex position else False. Example: >>> includes([11, 22, 33], 22, 0) True >>> includes([11, 22, 33], 22, 1) True >>> includes([11, 22, 33], 22, 2) False >>> includes([11, 22, 33], 11, None) True >>> includes([11, 22, 33], 33) True >>> includes([11, 22, 33], 22, -1) False >>> includes([11, 22, 33], 22, -2) True .. versionadded:: TODO """ return search in array[fromindex:]
[docs]def is_empty(array): """Returns True if the :attr:`array` has a length of zero. Args: array (list): A list of values provided by the user. Returns: bool: True if the list is empty else False. Example: >>> is_empty([]) True >>> is_empty([None]) False .. versionadded:: TODO """ return True if not array else False
[docs]def is_equal(array_one, array_two): """Returns True if :attr:`array_one` is equal to :attr:`array_two`. Args: array_one (list): First list of values provided by the user. array_two (list): Second list of values provided by the user. Returns: bool: True if both the arrays are equal else False. Example: >>> is_equal([1, 2], [1, 2]) True >>> is_equal(['1'], [str(1)]) True >>> is_equal([None], []) False >>> is_equal([1, 2], [2, 1]) False >>> is_equal([], []) True .. versionadded:: TODO """ return array_one == array_two
[docs]def last(array, num=1): """Returns the last element(s) in the array. When :attr:`num` is passed, returns the last :attr:`num` elements in the array. Args: array (list): List of values passed in by the user. num (int): Number passed in by the user. Returns: list: Returns an array of last :attr:`num` elements. Example: >>> last([11, 22, 33, 44], 1) [44] >>> last([11, 22, 33, 44], 3) [22, 33, 44] >>> last([11, 22, 33, 44], None) [] >>> last([11, 22, 33, 44], -3) [] >>> last([11, 22, 33, 44], 9) [] .. versionadded:: TODO """ num = 0 if (not num or num < 0) else num if len(array) < num: num = 0 return array[(len(array) - num):]
[docs]def some(array, search, callback=None): """Returns true if :attr:`search` is true for any element in the given array. Args: array (list): List of values passed in by the user. search (mixed): A value to be searched in the given list. callback (func): Function that cacn be called on each element in the given list. Returns: bool: True if any of the elements matches the given :attr:`search` value else False. Example: >>> some([1, 2, 3], 1) True >>> some([1, 2, 3], None, callback=lambda x: x == 1) True .. versionadded:: TODO """ return (any(callback(value) for value in array) if callable(callback) else any(value == search for value in array))
[docs]def subtract(array, item): """Subtracts :attr:`item` from the :attr:`array` and returns the result as a new array. If :attr:`item` is also an array, all elements in it will be removed. Args: array (list): A list of values provided by the user. item (list/int/float/str): A value that needs to be removed from :attr:`array`. Returns: list: A new list with the :attr:`item` removed. Example: >>> subtract([1, 2, 3], 2) [1, 3] >>> subtract ([1, 2, 3], [1, 3]) [2] >>> subtract([1, 2, 3], 4) [1, 2, 3] .. versionadded:: 0.1.0 """ if not isinstance(item, list): # If item is not a list, convert it into list. item = [item] return [element for element in array if element not in item]
[docs]def union(array, other): """Returns a new array containing elements in both arrays with duplicates removed. Args: array (list): List passed in by the user. other (list): Other list passed in by the user to compare. Returns: list: List of elements without duplicate values. Example: >>> union([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]) [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> union([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> union([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]) [1, 2, 3] .. versionadded:: TODO """ return list(set(array + other))
# # Helper methods not a part of the main API # def array_append(array, item, index=None): if not item: return array if index: if _.is_array(item): array[index:index] = item elif not _.is_array(item): array.insert(index, item) if not index: if _.is_array(item): array += item elif not _.is_array(item): array.append(item) return array